My studying notebook


Silverlight Streaming Error!!

11/26/2008 07:46:00 PM Posted by Unknown 1 comment - Now, 7:48 pm. My blogs have embed Silverlight that are occur time out error. So, i login silverlight streaming to check silverlight application. It's every operation too slowly on silverligth streaming. When i click launch application test page. It's occur timeout error, but others are seem to be all right. I don't know what is wrong?? 


Flash vs Silverlight Gallery

11/22/2008 07:31:00 PM Posted by Unknown , 1 comment - I found a nice site called Shine Draw in this week. It has a Flash vs Silverlight Gallery that you can see few articles implement by Flash and Silverlight. I found some my interested articles and i don't know how to do before. For example, i make my new banner by Silverlight.  It helps me to make banner more flexibility and easily. The best great news is Shine Draw's Flash vs Silverlight Gallery support whole source code , so users can download to study how to do that. Enjoying in!!

Continue reading at Shine Draw


jQuery intellisense in VS2008

11/03/2008 10:21:00 PM Posted by Unknown , 1 comment
It is old news. Scott Guthrie announce that Microsoft will be shipping jQuery with Visual Studio going forward. It's a good news for developer of ASP.NET. We can use lightweight open source javascript library to do more rich interative application in the client side. It's a important feature that Visual Studio 2008 support full javascript support. And few days ago, microsoft had release a hotfix for a number of issuse in Visual Studio 2008. You can make Visual Studio's javascript intelliense work better with jQuery.

  1. download visual studio hotfox(KB946581) and install
  2. download jquery intellisense file
    Untile now, I search few atrical about jQury intellisense in VS2008. In order to use jQury intellisense. We must download another javascript(jQuery intellisense file). i donwload the intellisense file from(this) before i find jQuery web site support documentation(jquery-1.2.6-vsdoc.js) in Visual studio

  3. Add both file(jQuery, intellisense) to your web page

Ps. About web page import javscript, usually we direct asign script block src attribute. Another method, we can use Google AJAX Libraries API load jquery file. It's more convenience to load jquey library by Google AJAX Libraries API. For example: you can change jquery library version by modify aip parameter.
//using 1.2.3 version jquery
google.load("jquery", "1.2.3");
// useing 1.2.6 version jquery
google.load("jquery", "1.2.6");

OH! sure. you still can add other js file by Google AJAX API. ex: jqueryui