My studying notebook


Our Earth Need Your Help!!

10/15/2009 10:02:00 AM Posted by Unknown 1 comment
Aug 8th, 2009. It's a really a longest and very worse Fathers Day for most Taiwanese. In south of Taiwan attacked by super typhoon Moraka and caused the most serious damaged in Taiwan history. It rains over 3000 mm one year annual rainfall only in three days. Many people were homeless in the aftermath of typhoon Moraka. Unfortunately, my parent and others family members were one of the homeless people. We lose anything expect life.

Until now, i can't accept the truth sometimes. but, i have to learn accept that and thinking what should we do after damaging? Rebuild our home and back to normal life as soon as possible. What do we learn aftermath the typhoon Moraka? What are reasons cause such as this damage? Something are changed.

I think you guys have heard some issue about Global warming. Our atmosphere has too much carbon dioxide and cause the Earth temperature growth up too fast. You may think some big issues like that should be government's responsibility. Because most people can't lead relation political policies. Climate change is a human issue. What could we do be a person living in the Earth?

There are many resources you can find on the internet. Visit Climate change in the Google Earth, Explore the Climate Orb to concern what company learn for the stories behind the human face of climate change, Educate our kids about science of global warming etc. You can follow the tail of above issues and think about what "You" really can do to help the Earth. For me, i try to reduce my "carbon footprint" in my life. What's carbon footprint?

"A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product". For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted." - definition by wikipedia

There are many online carbon calculator you can figure out what yours is. You can understand that your impact is on climate change. Those online carbon calculators may not to help you figure out your carbon emission. It can remind you to change your life style to reduce the impact on climate change. Try to take public transportation, try to buy product from local area, chose low-power electric equipments etc. You could fine you way!!

Our Earth need your help!!


Few New Google Chrome Video From GoogleJapan

10/12/2009 07:22:00 PM Posted by Unknown , 2 comments
Have you seen the so~~~~~o cute Google Street View Video by Google Japan. If you haven't seen that video. Click here to see that. I very recommend you guys to have a look even you just a end user. The video can give you a skeleton concept of Google Street View.

As you can see. It's a good introduction video from Google Japan. It's show time again but the main character change to new super star "Chrome". I think that "Speed" will be one of the good browser experience of Chrome for you guys. You guys may have few browsers in the computers like me. That mean you are pay attention in browser developing. If you should be. Following has few new Chrome video by Google Japan. Have a look!!!

速い + SUPER MONKEY BALL: Google Chrome アーティストテーマ

Google Chrome アーティスト テーマ スライドショー

速い + NINTEA: Google Chrome アーティストテーマ

速い + ART: Google Chrome アーティストテーマ




10/11/2009 02:20:00 PM Posted by Unknown 1 comment
I wrote a article ([Javascript & Css] CountDown) about Google Code Jam 2008 main page countdown. It does work using Javascript + CSS + DHTML and following is sniper image.

After i wrote this article. I try to search this font on the inter and ask my colleagues. What's this font? Until today i still haven't gotten exactly this font. But, i found iPhone app WhatTheFont in one iPhone Home screens of First & 20. First & 20 is a collection of Home screens of some of the best and brightest developers, designers and tech writers.

What does WhatTheFont[app store link] do? It's very clear to understand as app name - Identify the fonts in a photo or web graphic!! Following is the simple step i try to identify the font i didn't know.

Using WhatTheFont app on your iPhone or iPhone touch.
  1. Sniper the photo of font and crop image. Then click upload

  2. Check Chars and click identify!

  3. You will get few font matches.

Using WhatTheFont web page to identify the fonts.
  1. You can upload a file or paste a specify image url.

  2. Check selection characters. Leave character boxes blank if no valid character is highlighted. Then, click continue.

  3. You will get few font matches as App version.


Compare WhatTheFont App version and WhatTheFont web page font identify. I get more font matches by using App version than using web page font identify. But, as you can see. Using web page font identify is more easy than App version. Whatever you chose which one. If you get the anwser like me. I think it's a good solution at least.


Quickly view formatted PDFs in your search results

10/09/2009 10:33:00 PM Posted by Unknown , 1 comment
Two weeks ago. Google announced Google Doc Viewer. You can embed formatted PDFs in your web page more easily. Just Go Google Doc Viewer and fill it up and copy paste the link to your web page. Done!! (Just pay attention in one thing. you must let your PDFs can access on the internet)

If you often search information in google search engine and assign filetype as "pdf" like me. The new Quick view function is very convenience for us. You don't download that PDF file anymore before you sure it's you want.

Until now, Google Doc Viewer support three types(PDF document, PowerPoint presenetation and TIFF files). Only two of three can match search filetype filter(PDF & PPT). But new Quick view function just support PDFs now. I think Google may announce Quick view PPT file too.

2009/10/07 LiveDemo Gallery

10/07/2009 09:08:00 PM Posted by Unknown 3 comments

Few days ago. I spent few time to change 竹部落 ( a new blog template. I hope new template can decrease browser page loading time. Cause the loading preference, i took off few javascript blocks like Anobii (my bookcase in Anobii), etc.

After modifying my new template. I build a demo gallery ( LiveDemo Gallery) by Google App Engine. I will put all new blog post live demo in here. Sure, i will transfer 竹部落 ( exist post had live demo to here too. I hope that demo gallery could let you guys to understand what i said in my blog post easier.



Come back to Dropbox!

10/03/2009 11:45:00 AM Posted by Unknown 1 comment

Hi Kai-Chu,

We noticed that you signed up for Dropbox a while ago. Recently your Dropbox has been feeling kind of lonely :-(

As a reminder, Dropbox lets you:

- Sync files between your computers and the web
- Backup your files online and access them from anywhere
- Share large files and photos easily

Your Dropbox hopes you'll come back!

- The Dropbox Team

This morning. I got a E-mail from The DropBox Team. I'm amazing a little bit. Even this E-mail generate by server automatic. Maybe somebody think it doesn't matter. but, i think The Dropbox Team can attract users to use their services more. They are really want everyone know that they concern every user and provide good services.
