My studying notebook


AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part4 - How to extend your own code with ASP.NET MVC

7/15/2014 04:33:00 PM Posted by Unknown , , , , , , , 11 comments

This article is part of a series of posts on RequireJs, AnguarJs, Grunt and Bower. Here are the parts so far:

  1. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part1 - Getting Started and concept with ASP.NET MVC
  2. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part2 - Grunt
  3. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part3 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with ASP.NET MVC
  4. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part4 - How to extend your own code with ASP.NET MVC
  5. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part5 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with Express.js //to be done

In previou aticles that we talked about how to integrate AngularJs, Requirejs, Grunt and bower with ASP.NET MVC. If you don’t want to create those file structure manual. You can install generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower yeoman generator.

Simple step to install yeoman generator

  • install generator: npm install -g generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower
  • cd to project root folder
  • execute command yo angular-requirejs-grunt-bower


As basic concept we mentioned that we want to treat ControllerName/actionName as single page application and try to reuse shared code as possible base on this file structure. Now, let’s create a new ASP.NET MVC controller and extend new AngularJs application.

Step 1: create new ASP.NET MVC controller

  1. please create a new controller named ProjectController via Visual studio.
  2. Add new view named Index.cshtml
  3. modify Views/Project/Index.cshtml. The only thing you need to do is add Angular route directive ng-view. We will handle UI in AngularJs partile view.
    ViewBag.Title = "Product";

<div ng-view></div>

Step 2: create new AngularJs application

create file structure as following.

  1. Public/js/views/Project, AngularJs application container and named same as Controller
  2. Public/js/views/Project/index.js, application entry point
  3. Public/js/views/Project/patials, we will put all partials view HTML here
  4. Public/js/views/Project/patials/project-index.html, default AngulaJs route view.
  5. Public/js/controllers/product-controller.js, Product controller.
project-index.html: Product partials view
    this is Project Index page.
product-controller.js: Product controller
define(['controllers/controllers'], function (controllers) {
    controllers.controller('ProjectIndexCtrl', ['$scope',
        function ($scope) {
            console.log('ProjectIndexCtrl execute.');

index.js: Product AngularJs single page application entry point.

'use strict';

    function (angular, app, domReady) {
        var root = require.toUrl('.').split('.')[0];
            '$routeProvider', '$httpProvider', '$sceDelegateProvider', '$locationProvider',
            function ($routeProvider, $httpProvider, $sceDelegateProvider, $locationProvider) {
                // sec
                $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist(['self', '.*']);

                // route
                when('/', {
                    templateUrl: '/public/js/views/Product/partials/product-index.html',
                    controller: 'ProjectIndexCtrl',
                    resolve: {}
                    redirectTo: '/'
            function ($rootScope) {
                // global variable

                $rootScope.$safeApply = function ($scope, fn) {
                    $scope = $scope || $rootScope;
                    fn = fn || function () { };
                    if ($scope.$$phase) {
                    } else {
        ]).constant('$', $);

        domReady(function () {
            angular.bootstrap(document.body, ['myAngularApp']);

            $('html').addClass('ng-app: myAngularApp');



Step 3: Let’s extend shared service for different single page application

Till now, we have two AngularJs single page application HomeController and ProductController and they don’t include any AngularJs service, directive or filter module.

  • Add a new ASP.NET MVC BookController ApiController
  • Add a AngularJs server named /Public/js/services/bookService.js. Using ng-source to call API
  • Inject book-service.js to Product application
  • Inject book-service.js to Home application

Add BookController ApiController

// GET: api/Book
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
    return new string[] { "ABookApart.CSS3.For.Web.Designers.2010", "AngularJS Directives" };


Add a new AngularJs service locate in Public/js/service/book-service.js.

define(['services/services'], function (services) {
    // Book resource
    services.factory('BOOK', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
        var resetUrl = '/api/Book';
        var resource = $resource(resetUrl, {}, { get: { method: 'GET', isArray: true } });

        return resource;

    // BookLoader
    services.factory('BookLoader', ['$q', 'BOOK', function ($q, BOOK) {
        return function () {
            var delay = $q.defer();
            BOOK.get(function (data) {
            }, function (error) {
                delay.reject('Unable to fetch Book list');
            return delay.promise;

Inject book-service.js BookLoader to AngularJs route resolve

If you are familier with AngularJs. There is a resolve function you can call in AngularJs route. We define a BookLoader function that implement with promise pattern. Then, we can inject the result to our controller. Resolve can help us to fetch API before controller called.

How can we inject book service to AngularJs application via RequireJs require feature. That’s mean we can inject different feature in other application easily.




controllers.controller('ProjectIndexCtrl', ['$scope', 'books', function ($scope, books) {
    console.log('ProjectIndexCtrl execute.');

    $scope.books = books;


Inject book-service.js BOOK service to AngularJs route resolve

We have defined BOOK AngularJs service. Different with Product application. We use BOOK service instead of BooKloader promise service.

// js/views/Home/index.js
// js/controller/home-controller.js
define(['controllers/controllers'], function (controllers) {
    controllers.controller('HomeCtrl', ['$scope', 'BOOK', function ($scope, BOOK) {
            console.log('HomeCtrl execute.');

            $scope.books = BOOK.get({}, function (books) {
                return books;

We inject BOOK service in controller directly and bind Book.get() to $scope.books. Whatever we use AngularJs route resolve or inject service directly. They points to same service we defined.



As we mentioned before. we still can build for every AngularJs we defined. Befere we build our application, we need to modify Gruntfile.js manual.

 modules: [{
        name: 'views/Home/index'
    }, {
        name: 'views/Product/index'

Github Source Code


After you clone source code from github repo, you can run following command:

  • git checkout -f step-0 is status project created
  • git checkout -f step-1 is status Nuget install Require.js.
  • git checkout -f step-2 is status project Add AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower to Public folder.
  • git checkout -f step-3 is status modify _Layout.chtml to render RequireJs. You will see the final result.
    • Please cd to AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\Public and execute bower install to restore those library project included.
  • git checkout -f setp-4 is status ready to do grunt tasks.
    • Please cd to AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\Public and execute npm install to restore grunt required libraries.
    • execute command grunt to do grunt tasks.
  • git checkout -f step-5 extend Product application
  • git checkout -f step-6 extend AngularJs service book-service and add BookLoader to route resolve
  • git checkout -f step-7 extend AngularJs service book-service and inject BOOK service to controller
  • git checkout -f step-8 add Product to Gruntfile.js module block


AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part3 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with ASP.NET MVC (Updatd 2014/7/15)

7/14/2014 04:29:00 PM Posted by Unknown , , , , , , , 10 comments

This article is part of a series of posts on RequireJs, AnguarJs, Grunt and Bower. Here are the parts so far:

  1. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part1 - Getting Started and concept with ASP.NET MVC
  2. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part2 - Grunt
  3. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part3 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with ASP.NET MVC
  4. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part4 - How to extend your own code with ASP.NET MVC
  5. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part5 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with Express.js //to be done

We are talking about integrate AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower in ASP.NET MVC project in previous part.

Javascript file structure

    └── js
    |   ├── controllers
    |   ├── css
    |   ├── directives
    |   ├── services
    |   ├── vendor
    |   ├── filters
    |   ├── views
    |   |   └── ...
    |   ├── app.js
    |   └── config.js
    └── release
        ├── views
        |   └── ...
        ├── app.js
        └── config.js       

Above is the font-end file structure we mentioned in previous articles. It’s dozens of files we need to create. So, i put those of work to yeoman generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower.

Getting started

  • cd to project root
  • Install the generator: npm install -g generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower
  • Run: yo angular-requirejs-grunt-bower

Yeoman Generator: angular-requirejs-grunt-bower



AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part2 - Grunt (Update: 2014/7/15)

7/02/2014 11:29:00 AM Posted by Unknown , , , , , , , 52 comments

This article is part of a series of posts on RequireJs, AnguarJs, Grunt and Bower. Here are the parts so far:

  1. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part1 - Getting Started and concept with ASP.NET MVC
  2. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part2 - Grunt
  3. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part3 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with ASP.NET MVC
  4. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part4 - How to extend your own code with ASP.NET MVC
  5. AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part5 - generator-angular-requirejs-grunt-bower with Express.js //to be done



Why use a task runner?

In one word: automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc, the easier your job becomes. After you’ve configured it, a task runner can do most of that mundane work for you—and your team—with basically zero effort.

Why use Grunt?

The Grunt ecosystem is huge and it’s growing every day. With literally hundreds of plugins to choose from, you can use Grunt to automate just about anything with a minimum of effort. If someone hasn’t already built what you need, authoring and publishing your own Grunt plugin to npm is a breeze.

If you are familiar with Grunt. You could feel how powerful it is, how could it reduce your repetitive tasks and make your work more easier.

Grunt with our ASP.NET MVC Project


    └── js
    |   ├── controllers
    |   ├── css
    |   ├── directives
    |   ├── services
    |   ├── vendor
    |   ├── filters
    |   ├── views
    |   |   └── ...
    |   ├── app.js
    |   └── config.js
    └── release
        ├── views
        |   └── ...
        ├── app.js
        └── config.js       

RequireJs, AnguarJs, Grunt, Bower overview

In AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower Part1 - Getting Started and concept with ASP.NET MVC ~ 竹部落 post. We talk about how to integrate AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower with our ASP.NET MVC project and put all of code in Public/js folder. Browser will load those files one by one by following RequireJs definition and dependencies we define in Public/js/config.js.

Be a large AngularJs single page application, you might include a lots of file to the project. For example: in our ASP.NET MVC project. Implement the file structure i mentioned in last post. Browser will load more the 20 file. Web page loading speed will increase if browser load more files. During development, separation of concerns (SoC) will help us to break down the problem to smaller. So, we need a solution to help us to combine related file and decrease web page loding speed in release mode. That’s Rquirejs + Grunt.

RequireJs + Grunt

Our gold is improve page loading speed by reduce include file count in our project in final release/product. RequireJs has an optimization tool can help us to combine related file and minifies them and grunt-contrib-requirejs and put RequireJs work with Grunt well.


Combines related scripts together into build layers and minifies them via UglifyJS (the default) or Closure Compiler (an option when using Java).
Optimizes CSS by inlining CSS files referenced by @import and removing comments.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    'use strict';

    // configurable paths
    var mvcConfig = {
        js: 'js',
        release: 'release',
        tmp: 'tmp'

        mvc: mvcConfig,
        clean: {...},
        copy: {...},
        requirejs: {...},
        concat: {...},
        uglify: {...},
        htmlmin: {...},
        jshint: {...},
        cssmin: {...}

    // task
    grunt.registerTask('build', [

    grunt.registerTask('default', [

Grunt scenario

We can define multiple grunt tasks in Gruntfile.js. All you need to do is executing command grunt. Grunt will execute all of tasks one by one. How, let we check before doing the grunt task.

  • using bower package manager to handle what library we include and put all libraries in vendor. Ex: AngularJs, jQuery , moment ects.
  • config.js define the library dependencies and library path.
  • implement file structure as we mentioned before.

Our Grunt scenario is copy required file from public/js/... to public/tmp/... folder. Grunt task requirejs:complie will combine scripts together and put it in public/release folder.

grunt-contrib-requirejs optimize RequireJS projects using r.js. Most of needed configuration is same as RequireJs required but file path. We need to modify file path to our temporary folder tmp.

 paths: {
        'angular': '../<%= mvc.tmp %>/vendor/angular',
        'jquery': '../<%= mvc.tmp %>/vendor/jquery.min',

One more thing. We need to replace file path in our release RequireJs config.js from js to release. It will make sure relese RequireJs config.js is reference to current source folder.

onBuildRead: function(moduleName, path, contents) {
    if (moduleName === 'config') {
        var x = (function(contents) {
            var regex = /'(vendor|libs)[^']*'/gm;
            var matches = contents.match(regex);
            for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
                var match = matches[i];
                var m = matches[i].split('/');
                contents = contents.replace(match, '\'vendor/' + m[m.length - 1].toLowerCase());
            return contents;

        return x.replace(/\/public\/js/g, '/public/release');
    return contents;

Visit to Github to check whole Gruntfile.js file.


After you execute command grunt. build.txt will be created automatically. It is a requirejs:complie log file and show you a list what libraries and user define scripts are combined together base on Gruntfile.js requirejs complie module setting.

// config.js
requirejs: {
    compile: {
        options: {
            modules: [{
                name: 'views/Home/index'
// build.txt


Final step, we need to change solution configuration from Debug to Release in Visual Studio toolbar and rebuild the project. Open Chrome Developer tools and switch to Network panel. You will see browser load two files config.js and index.js

Release mode


  1. Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
  2. RequireJs

Github Source Code


After you clone source code from github repo, you can run following command:

  • git checkout -f step-0 is status project created
  • git checkout -f step-1 is status Nuget install Require.js.
  • git checkout -f step-2 is status project Add AngularJs, RequireJs, Grunt and Bower to Public folder.
  • git checkout -f step-3 is status modify _Layout.chtml to render RequireJs. You will see the final result.
    • Please cd to AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\Public and execute bower install to restore those library project included.
  • git checkout -f setp-4 is status ready to do grunt tasks.
    • Please cd to AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\AngularJsRequireJsGruntBower\Public and execute npm install to restore grunt required libraries.
    • execute command grunt to do grunt tasks.